
Commercial – Unstoppable: A Canadian Paralympic Committee commercial

Where’s Waldo?…aka where is the bad ass cop in this commercial shoot? I was all excited to finally book a role as a cop and put on that uniform but by booking this role, it meant an overnight shoot standing around for 15 hours making sure I looked important in case the camera caught a glimpse […]

Commercial – ‘Minto 30 Roe Condominiums’

I got to work with Canwood Entertainment and Minto Developers on this fun shoot.  I also got to work alongside the handsome and talented Steve Bewley. Everyone was professional but laid back at the same time, which made the shoot that much more enjoyable. It also rocked because they ordered us the best sushi in […]

TV Series – My Lost Girl episode ‘Mirror, Mirror’

I had a great time on the set of this show. I got to play a crazy-ass soccer mom who tries to kill the lead actor. My appearance (at 9:20) is definitely short but super intense. How well do you think I did angry and ‘crazy-ass’? Show: Lost Girl Network: Showcase Genre: Drama Episode: #2, […]

Demo Reel – Check out my updated Reel

It takes awhile to collect your footage from everything you’ve done whether it’s a short film or a tv appearance. I finally stopped being lazy and got some stuff together to show you guys. Here you go <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”//″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe> xoJB

Commercial – Cervarix ‘Tattoo Punch’

That’s right the commercial I voiced for Cervarix is coming back on air 2011 and even in 2012. Most actors know what that means…residuals baby! I apologize if my voice has been haunting you and you can’t sleep at night anymore, but the point of the commercial is give you an uncomfortable feeling. It’s a pretty […]

Demo Reel – New reel finally updated!

Check out my new demo reel compliments of Creative E. You’re the best Elise! The killer mime still cracks me up :) xoJB

Media – Finding Fame: My interview with Global News

Is our culture, especially our younger generation obsessed with fame? This is the question that Global TV news reporter was looking to answer. In this video I was interviewed at Second City, where I was performing a sketch show that night, on my definition of fame and how I personally felt about becoming an overnight […]