I started the Bay Street Performers first and foremost because I’ve had a life long love affair with acting. I often thought to myself, I wonder if there is a way to merge both my corporate world with my artistic life and at the same time give back to my community. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a golfer and I love the odd Leaf game, but I was looking for something other than the norm to engage with my clients and prospects. In the early stages of this idea, I was blown away at how receptive everyone was and how many people in the corporate world have a unique talent that hadn’t been revealed. In this group’s case, it was performing and writing. As a result, The Bay Street Performers was born and I’m extremely happy to announce that between October 21-25th at Buddies in Bad Times in Toronto, The Bay Street professionals will be giving back on stage! www.baystreetperformers.com
– Jessie Behan