
Theatre – The Shakespeare Challenge this year is ‘The Tempest’

As you may or may not know,  I am officially one week away from my Toronto stage debut; I have been a production of  with rehearsing a production of “The Tempest” with Shakespeare In Action. After only 6 weeks of rehearsal, myself and 10 other Toronto Actors will be taking the stage at the Arts & Letters Club on Saturday, February 23rd […]

Demo Reel – New reel finally updated!

Check out my new demo reel compliments of Creative E. You’re the best Elise! The killer mime still cracks me up :) xoJB

Media – Interview about ‘Bride Has a Massive Hair Wigout’ Youtube hit

Chelsea Conway interviewed me on my involvement and experience of being one  of the wigout girls acting in the Bridezilla Youtube Hit. In the interview, I revealed what it felt like to experience overnight success after the video reached 9 million hits worldwide and was thrust into the spotlight. It’s crazy because not a lot of […]