TV Pilot – See You Next Tuesday


I had a blast working on this recent TV Pilot with Brett Heard and our cast of seven beautiful, funny, and charming ladies.

Going to rehearsals with these women over the last year was truly an honour, as I was constantly learning from each one of them. They’re all so vibrant and unique! I believe that fate truly brought us together as we had instant chemistry on and off the set and our characters just came to life so naturally.

Casted as the role of Sue, a confident and overachieving young professional whose life long dreams and aspirations are put to the test once the ring goes on, was a character I really enjoyed getting to co-create and work on. I know that if this pilot gets picked up, Sue’s journey will be extremely dynamic and hopefully certain viewers will relate with my character, realizing they’re not alone.

To the cast of See You Next Tuesday, I love each and every one of you! Thank you so much for being a joy to work with and sharing so many laughs over the last year. We’re going to make this Pilot and share many more laughs over the next few years. I can’t wait!


Plot Outline:

‘See You Next Tuesday’ is a dark and edgy comedy that follows the stories of seven beautifully dysfunctional women as their lives unravel and collide at a weekly book club meeting. 


Jessie Behan
Liv Collins
Suzanne Cyr
Marisa FerreiraSee you next tuesday
Lex Kilgour
Shannon Prior
Maureen Welch

Directed & Written By:

Brett Heard

Check out our FB page and please like it!

Stay tuned for status on this upcoming pilot!