Short Film

Short Film – Feng Shui

Introduction: I had a wonderful time shooting this comedy with the cast and working with Brett Heard on yet another fun project. The opportunity to play Janet, a small town cop who doesn’t miss a beat, was an absolute joy! Plot Outline: A family run Feng Shui business stumbles upon a loop hole of creating […]

Short Film – Online Date Gone Horribly Wrong

This was a fun and light short film to work on. The production crew was extremely friendly and professional, and my lovely cast mate aka my date was a pleasure to work alongside. Plot Outline: ‘Changing Gears’ is a short film about two strangers that meet online and come together for an awkward first date. […]

Demo Reel – Check out my updated Reel

It takes awhile to collect your footage from everything you’ve done whether it’s a short film or a tv appearance. I finally stopped being lazy and got some stuff together to show you guys. Here you go <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”//″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe> xoJB

Demo Reel – New reel finally updated!

Check out my new demo reel compliments of Creative E. You’re the best Elise! The killer mime still cracks me up :) xoJB